We are an Association with membership approaching 1000. The BOABC primarily represents local government Building Officials and those involved in building design, construction, testing and research.
The Building Officials’ Association of B.C. (BOABC) has grown since 1954 from 24 members situated largely in the Greater Vancouver area to seven geographic zones across British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. It fulfills much the same objectives as originally proposed; consistent Code interpretation; a forum for discussion; education, standards of Code knowledge and since 1981, a technical certification program for our membership.
BOABC members serve on many provincial committees that review building regulatory issues in the Province of B.C. We liaise with inter-provincial and international councils of Building Officials to bring about greater national and international understanding of harmonization of Codes, acceptance of accreditation, and recognition of commonality of our respective endeavors.
We are closely affiliated to our colleagues in the building industry and interact through zone meetings, seminars, executive meetings, workshops, our annual conference and annual general meeting, various association committees, appointments to various building industry committees and provincial committees.