Building Officials - City of West Kelowna
Chief Building Official - City of Quesnel
Micro Brewery with Tasting Room
Plumbing, HVAC & Gas Inspector - City of Kelowna
Building Official I - Regional District of Central Okanagan
We are the Association of professional building officials serving British Columbians since 1954. The term building official is often used for a professional providing building and plumbing plan review, field monitoring, or inspections for any types of building construction. Building officials ensure that construction meets the minimum acceptable building regulations established by the Provincial Government. The review addresses not only structural strength of the buildings, but a multitude of fire-and life safety systems, healthy and energy efficient environmental systems, and safe plumbing and mechanical systems.
Read MoreBOABC is dedicated to serving the best interests of the public in building safety by moving forward with the highest standards in professionalism, competency and consistent practice in the Building Community.