How do I register for an exam?
Members wishing to write the Building/Plumbing Officials exams must complete and submit an Exam Application Form for pre-authorization from the BOABC.
Preauthorization verifies that exam candidates are eligible to write the requested exam(s).
What are the level and categories of exams?
BC1-1 LEVEL 1 EXAM 1 BCBC part 9 codes exam (one-and two-family dwellings)
BC1-2 LEVEL 1 EXAM 2 BCBC part 9 plan review exam (single family dwelling)
BC2-6 LEVEL II EXAM 6 BCBC part 9 (also parts 3,4,5,6, and 10)
BC3-7 LEVEL III EXAM 7 BCBC part 3 (part 3 buildings classification & construction)
BC3-8 LEVEL III EXAM 8 BCBC part 3 (buildings plan review)
BC3-9 LEVEL III EXAM 9 BCBC part 3 (buildings life safety systems)
BC3-10 LEVEL III EXAM 10 BCBC part 3 (part 3 buildings fire protection)
BC-P1 LEVEL I BCBC Part 7 (One-and-two-family dwellings)
BC-P2 LEVEL II BCBC Part 7 (Other than One-and-two-family dwellings)
What version of the Building Code are the current exams offered?
What experience or education do I require before writing an exam?
Currently the BOABC examinations are open to all members, with no prerequisites for education or experience. Exams are difficult for those without practical industry experience and/or in-depth knowledge of how to apply the code.
How long does my pre-authorization for one exam category last?
Once a candidate is preauthorized to write an exam, they have 6 months to write that exam. If the annual membership fee becomes due before the preauthorization period ends, and the candidate has not yet written that exam, you must renew and keep current your BOABC membership to write the exam.
How are exams scored?
A passing score is the score set by the Exam Development Committee (EDC) as the minimum score needed to pass the exam. This score is technically called a scale score and is set as 80 for the BOABC and POABC.
There is no guessing penalty, so it is to your advantage to answer every question.
How often can I write an exam?
A candidate is permitted as many attempts as they require to pass an exam. The candidate must be preauthorized by the BOABC for each attempt.
Exams are required to be written in sequence of their levels. However, within each of the three levels there are subtests and those do not have to be taken in order. For example, Level III- Exam 10 can be written before Level III- Exam 8.
Are exams "open-book"?
Yes, however candidates must ensure they review the exam content outlines in order to prepare for the exam.
When will I receive my results?
Results for examinations are provided immediately after completion of the examination. Members can print their own results from a tab located on the result page.
How do I pay for my exam after I've been authorized? What is the cost of the exam?
You need to login to the Pronto Exam Centre with your username and password. Once you have logged in, follow these Instructions for Exam Payment on how to purchase your Examination.
The cost for each exam is $295.00 plus GST.
What items are allowed/prohibited during the exam?
• The printed 2024 BC Building code book and any associated documentation included within the code book. Papers such as Ministerial Orders or code changes which are photocopies or printed copies may be loose, stapled, taped, or punched and inserted into the ring binding of the code,
• The Code may have notes and may have highlighting,
• The Code may have permanent or temporarily attached tabs such as Post-It notes,
• Eyeglasses,
• Architects’ scale or ruler,
• Battery-operated calculator that is nonprogrammable, not capable of storing examination information, and has no ribbon or paper printing capabilities,
• Foreign printed language/English translation dictionaries, if needed.
The following items are Prohibited:
• “Smart” watch (i.e., Apple or Galaxy watch)
• Any electronic device other than your computer (i.e. any second monitor or screen)
What happens after I pass the BOIT exam?
After passing the BOIT exam, you will need to submit an application and your training plan for review. Once this is approved, you will be entered into the In-Training Program.
Completing the course and exam does NOT automatically enter you into the In-Training Program.