Update: Extending Application of the 2018 Code’s Adaptable Dwelling Unit and Seismic Requirements for In-Stream Projects

The Province has updated the Ministerial Order adopting the 2024 edition of the British Columbia Building Code. A news release announcing the amendment is available on BC Gov News.

The amended Order exempts in-stream projects that had substantial design work completed according to the 2018 BC Building Code from the application of the 2024 BC Building Code’s adaptable dwelling unit and seismic requirements until March 8, 2027, provided that certain criteria are met. The change helps avoid potential construction delays, additional costs, and impact on project feasibility if buildings designed to the 2018 BC Building Code need to be redesigned to meet the 2024 requirements.

To download a free copy of the BC Codes 2024 and the amending Order, please visit the Building and Safety Standards’ website.