Update: Standardized Housing Designs & Single Exit Stair Buildings

Standardized Housing Designs

The Province has commissioned standardized, customizable residential designs and a companion catalogue for people building small-scale, multi-unit housing on lots previously zoned for single-family homes and duplexes. The digital designs are free to the public and can be used by builders, designers, and homeowners to build accessory dwelling units, duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, and townhomes. Local governments can also choose to fast track approval of the designs to expedite permitting and development.

Single Exit Stair Buildings

Code changes allowing the design and construction of single exit stair buildings came into effect on August 27, 2024.

An information bulletin will be published soon and will explain the new single exit stair code requirements. Please check the Technical Bulletins – Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca) webpage.

To find out more you may visit the provincial website.