Update: New seminar videos explain significant changes in the 2020 National Model Codes

The Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) has developed a set of twelve informational videos on the significant changes that were introduced into the 2020 National Model Codes. BC Codes 2024 are largely based on the National Codes 2020 with some BC-specific variations.

With nearly 400 technical changes introduced in the 2020 editions of Canada’s National Model Codes, the series of informational videos are intended to help code users understand the provisions and impacts on the most significant technical changes.

The videos cover changes related to important topics including accessibility, encapsulated mass timber construction, energy efficiency and more. To access the library of videos, visit the CBHCC’s websitehttps://cbhcc-cchcc.ca/en/seminars/

Please note that the Province has some code variations related to energy efficiency (Section 9.36), accessibility, encapsulated mass timber construction, and is still reviewing the adoption of requirements for large farm buildings and home-type care facilities.