Plumbing Code Interpretations

Date: Monday, May 16

Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Education Stream: Plumbing

Location: Executive Boardroom

Presentation provided by: Building Officials Association of BC

Presentation Title: Plumbing Code Interpretations

Presentation Description: BCBC Interpretation Committee – Interpretations Based on Book II: Plumbing Systems (BC Plumbing Code)

Presenter: Doug Vance

Presenter’s Bio: Doug’s most interesting private building industry employment was a partnership in a plumbing business for a period of six years which was mainly with design and installation of building plumbing and heating systems. Doug’s present career with the City of Coquitlam is managing and guiding a staff of 17 including building and plumbing inspectors. He also composes and writes necessary reports to City council, is responsible for interview of possible staff hiring, assists in preparation of department budgets; and perhaps most important of all, also deals with day to day department business. Continuing interest in the building industry and learning has always been an asset in Doug’s career. He is an active member of the following organizations:

• POABC (Plumbing Officials Association of British Columbia) member since 1992
• POABC President from 2007 to 2011
• BOABC member since 2007